The Gate

Unsplash Tom coe


All the huddled, homeless, masses

gathered at the gate

yearning to breathe free, to be

the one to change their fate.


As indigenous Americans

can we rightfully deny them?

Should natives of the Americas

be begging for asylum?

When the white man, as invaders,

by mere presence, claimed command;

enslaving sovereign people

and stealing native’s land?

So that’s why their descendants

turn their backs on homeless souls

don’t want long lost survivors

reclaiming what they stole.

The words etched on our Liberty,

now many hate to read

should say to them don’t let the gate

hit you as you leave.

But, Liberty loves everyone

Her heart is always hoping,

She would never lock them out

Her gate is always open.❤️

In peace, side by side

Unsplash Cole Keister

Why is there no refuge in a refugee camp?

Why don’t some who’ve suffered the most understand

About innocent people once called civilians

In refugees camps where they still bomb and kill them?

This fighting must stop from the top to the ground.

Enough is enough as their pain goes around

In circular motion, tit for tat, back and forth,

Deaths way beyond even but stay the same course.

It’s time to put down all weapons of war.

It’s time to sit down and compromise more.

Get rid of the leaders who created this show

Grass roots to grass roots come together to grow.

As Abraham’s family both branches decide

To live as one people, in peace, side by side.❤️

One shoe then another


It seems like it’s always one shoe then another

That drops on the floor up above.

Every time one awakes me, I brace for the other

Dreading fear I’ve had quite enough of.

Why so much fear? This dread is so hard.

The bane of my very existence.

To live my life scared, always on guard

That more shoes will soon fall in an instant.

I was born with this fear frozen in pain

Passed down from past generations

I was born to release this fear that remained

Reconnecting our lost innervations.

Cry, once frozen tears that my ancestors quelled

From the constant travails they once bore

Shake out the fear my grandmother held

When at three, she was forced to ignore.

If I’m brave enough to go back and repair

The damage once done that passed down,

Kindred spirits will dance in my garden, feet bare

No more shoes need be made to cast down.

Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All

Unsplash Matt Collamer

It is very unlikely, if you don’t have a home,

You can have any sort of stability.

With no safe place to sleep, or food of your own,

This just makes for much more disability.

For the mentally challenged, or ones drug addicted,

Or ones just down on their luck

Not to have basic needs will keep them conflicted

Between trying and just giving up.

But if, as a collective, we help one another

Pledge dignity, with conscience, for all,

We’ll make Housing First, become One with honor

Indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all❤️

Peace in our world

Unsplash Prissila Dupreez

I rarely write poems that are just about light,

I always have to include the dark night.

But most don’t like feeling the dark in a poem,

Don’t want the unconscious to trigger and show them,

Shame that is trapped by resistant denial.

Can’t hear other’s pain from facing hard trials.

The world is their oyster of happy illusion

Don’t ask and don’t tell is their world peace solution.

So we need to have earthquakes to force us from cloister.

Because next a tsunami throws sand in our oyster.

So let’s use this grit to make layers of healing.

With layers that shine we can find shameful feelings,

Then with our denial be smoothly released.

With dark and light layers we’ll make pearls of peace.

And with peace within made while creating our pearls,

We might soon have enough to make peace in our world!




Undplash Julia Ceasar

A “Christian” today called me a banshee

for wanting control of my body.

Thinks their God is supreme, so they demand we

stop screaming we want our autonomy.

“My body my choice!!!” No, their body is God’s

and their God owns my body as well.

So if I don’t repent he’ll pull out his rod

And beat me til I am in hell.

If this God rules their heaven and this “Christian’s” godly

Then I’m fine with my hell here on Earth.

I’ll keep screaming like banshees, “I OWN MY OWN BODY


How would you feel?

Unsplash Christian Lue

How would you feel as a scapegoat for millions?

If you add all religions it might be for billions.

How would you feel if they literally said

God says who you are is deserving of death?

How in this world do young LGBTQs

Ever survive this collective abuse?

Their suicide rate is way off the charts,

Why wouldn’t it be, when hate kills their hearts.

Do you think kids don’t feel mass rejection inside?

Do you care if they hurt and commit suicide?

For just having brains that are neurodiverse

That has nothing to do with “sin” or a curse.

Believing in laws from millennia past

Still kills the innocent with stones they still cast.

Despite science proving we’re born on a spectrum.

Our bodies and brains many factors affect them.

From time in the womb to exogenous sources

Hormones and genes create different courses.

So stop making young people go through this ordeal

Love and accept them until their heart’s heal.

Then if your children are LGBTQ

You’ll nurture their nature to live lives in truth.


My Soul Resolution

Unsplash Aziz Acharki

Sometimes when I write

I have physical pain.

Words stuck in the muck

of my unconscious brain.

So I write the pain out of my head

til it’s gone.

So some of my poems

become pretty long.

I ask myself questions

but mostly ask why.

This breaks down denial

that blinds my mind’s eye.

Rhythm and rhyme start

Pulsing and clanging

unconsciously used

to start rearranging

the dissonant words

in my unconscious brain.

It pulls them together

to help me feel sane

with answers to questions

my soul needs to hear.

To make sense of my rage,

my shame, and my fear.

Close out the last lines

with coherent conclusion

an answer that gives

my soul resolution ❤️

The world can transform

Unsplash Denin Lawly

Why so much hate for trans and queer people?

What makes some so hateful they want to be lethal?

They don’t like they standup to up end status quo.

Don’t want to blend in or fit into a mold.

They’re here loud and proud unafraid to be bold.

They want to free all from young to the old.

They want to make all presentations the norm

From sun shiny day to tumultuous storm.

So nobody’s shamed when they don’t conform

Through master transmuters this world will transform ❤️